Pool construction

Thinking of constructing your own pool?

It is a big investment, and we will make it worthwhile in every aspect possible. At JB's pools , from choosing design and considering your budget to deciding on the base and digging the pool, everything is done with the utmost care. If you have a low cost budget, we still have a blueprint for you.
We do all this for you:

  • Residential construction
  • Low-cost to high end options
  • Pools and spas construction

Now that you have constructed your pool, it's time to keep it clean with these tips!

  • Buy testing strips that identify your pool water content levels
  • Check pool chemistry 2-3 times per week during the summer
  • Identify and keep the recommended level of your pool water's pH and total alkalinity
  • Know timelines on each water component of your pool water

Follow these tips and in case you need any more help, do call us.

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